
Under constructions

UI Design

  • XXX (SecOps) integrates monitoring, tools, processes, and technology to keep IT secure while reducing risk.

Cloud Computing, intelligent management

  • Security Operations (lecture at TUB) SecOps integrates monitoring, tools, processes, and technology to keep IT secure while reducing risk.
  • Intelligent Log Analysis (lecture at TUB): Explore the use of structured logging to facilitate the application of AI/ML methods for Root-cause analysis
  • Cloud Computing: Overview, concept, web APIs, platforms, applications, and BPM
  • Hypervisor Reliability: Identifying health issues of hypervisors correlated with latent failures.

Openstack, distributed tracing

  • Lectures at TUM and TUB
  • Introduction Hyperscalers, cloud monitoring, AI and O&M, monitoring formats, ML for O&M.
  • OpenStack Cloud OS Virtualization, public clouds, openstack system design, openstack services (IMS, compute, nova, scheduler, network, storage).
  • OpenStack Hands-on Setup infrastructure, install Openstack, CLI, launch instances, attach volumes, create networks, distributed tracing.
  • Distributed Tracing Technologies Workflow for VM creation, tracing concetps, tracing systems, Zipkin, Jaeger, OpenTracing, OSProfiler.
  • Distributed Trace Analysis Monitoring data sources, troubleshooting with tracing, feature selection, trace abstraction, time series analysis, sequence analysis. LSTM.
  • Distributed Trace Analysis (Hands-on) Jupyter notebook with running code for dsitributed trace analysis for Openstack.
  • Cloud Benchmarking Benchmarking public cloud platforms, ECS and RDS benchmarking.

Service managemen, frameworks

  • ITIL (SecOps) integrates monitoring, tools, processes, and technology to keep IT secure while reducing risk.